West Valley Firefighters

Quarterly Newsletter

1st Quarter of 2012


Policy 2110: Paid on Call Members Medical, Skill Maintenance, Training & Incident Requirements

Policy 2110: Paid on Call Members Medical, Skill Maintenance, Training & Incident Requirements



YAKIMA, WA  98908


POLICY #                         2110


COMMISSION CHAIR SIGNATURE:     Jim Borst                                                                                                                            

EFFECTIVE DATE:           7/10/2007

REVISED:                        3/11/2008





RESCINDS:            RULE 7.41, 7.42, 7.43, 7.44

REFERENCE:         WAC 296-305

1.0     PURPOSE

The purpose of this policy is to establish skill maintenance, training requirements, call requirements, and medical requirements for paid on call members (hereinafter “Members”).


·       Drill attendance requirements are 50% of the regular scheduled drills.

·       Probationary Members are required to attend 70% of drills for the 9 months following completion of required recruit training (AFA, Wildland, Structural). 

·       Probationary Members already trained upon Membership must attend 70% of drills for their first full year of service.

·       No credit is given for attending the same drill for day drill and night drill unless approved by the Training Officer.  Typically, classroom drills will not be double counted, hands-on drills may be counted.

·       Each member is responsible for complying with the requirements established within this policy.  The Fire Chief and/or Training Officer may require members to attend other training activities beyond the required drills.  The Department shall be notified by members unable to meet the established drill attendance requirements because of sickness or injury.  Excused absences may be granted for medical leave and leave of absence.


Members are responsible for maintaining skill levels, training requirements and using protective/safety equipment as established by Yakima County Fire District 12.  All members shall be required to pass an entry level medical exam and drug test.  All members upon reaching age 50, 55 and 60 shall pass a medical examination and all members over age 63 must pass a medical exam every three years.  Members participating in the Board for Volunteer Firefighters retire/rehire program must pass an annual physical.  All medical exams shall be performed by the District’s appointed physician or pre-approval for a member to use their physician.  All costs incurred for medical examinations shall be the sole responsibility of the Fire District.  However, Members that elect to have their personal physician perform the physical using the District’s required procedures and forms will be at the member’s expense.  Any findings requiring future medical treatment is at the expense of the member.

Training Requirements:

All training requirements are on an annual basis and the Chief and/or Training Officer determine the criteria for meeting each of the following

a. Maintain Advanced First Aid certification by participating in 12 hours of practical OTEP workshop training within 36 months.

b. Maintain CPR certification.  All Members participate in CPR OTEP.

c. Maintain Emergency Vehicle Incident Prevention certification.

d. Maintain SCBA certification.  (WAC 296-305-04001) *Support Members Exempt

e. Maintain serviceable protective clothing with regular laundering and inspection.  (WAC 296-305)

f. Maintain Wildland training by attending annual refresher.  *Support Members Exempt

g. Maintain live fire training requirements.  {WAC296-305-05502(6)(a)} *Support Members Exempt

g. Annually Complete same current year’s entry-level workability test required of prospective new Members.  WAC 296-305-01509.  *Support Members Exempt


200 or Less Total Annual Station Calls   =   25% Annual Required Attendance

More Than 200 Total Annual Station Calls   =   20% Annual Required Attendance

The intention of station call requirements is for the member to respond to their station’s calls.  Duty Officer, Duty Chief, Weeknight Responder and Duty Crew calls, while important to the Mission, do not exclude the member from meeting station call requirements for their assigned station.

Members on leave of absence or medical leave are excused from all calls during their leave.


Quarterly the Department shall monitor and report the status of each member’s compliance with the training, drill attendance and call requirements policy.  The report shall be a running total of the year and be posted at each station quarterly on an informational bulletin board.


Officers shall exceed 60% attendance at Officers Meetings and regularly scheduled drills.  Officers shall notify the Chief if they are unable to attend a regularly scheduled Officer meeting to be exempt from attending.

Station Captains shall serve as the Duty Chief a minimum of three weekends annually.

Station Lieutenants shall serve as the Duty Officer a minimum of two weekends annually.


Members may request to be exempt from attending drill for any of the following methods, and must be pre-approved by the Training Officer:

a. Career Firefighters, Paramedics or EMT’s working on drill nights.  Must submit a copy of work schedule showing unavailability.

b. Attending other Yakima County department’s OTEP classes.

c. Drill exemption is given while a member is attending recruit school, wildland firefighter class or emergency medical technician training.  One exemption per week for any class held in that week.

d. Members assisting in Public Education, Association Events or other Department Activities may request one exemption for the week of the event.

e. Exemption will reduce the total number of available drills for the Member, they will still need to meet requirements for the remaining number of available drills.



Annually members failing to meet the minimum requirements as specified in 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and for Officers 6.0 of this policy:

Probationary Member:

  • During recruit school after being issued PPE and a pager if the Member is not responding to 25% of alarms- Company Officer verbal discussion with Member and contact Recruit Academy Instructor to speak one on one with the Member and document the conversation.  (Drills are encouraged but not required during academy).
  • One month following complete recruit academy if Member is not actively participating by meeting 25% alarms or 70% drills- Company officer will speak one on one with the Member and document the conversation.  Also contact Recruit Academy Instructor to speak one on one with the Member and contact CO with findings.
  • For the 9 months following required training if the probationary Member is not actively participating by meeting 25% alarms or 70% drills- Company officer will speak to the Member one on one to discuss the need to meet requirements, document the conversation.  Company Officer to contact Deputy Chief to advise of the situation and Deputy Chief discusses with the individual their participation and report conversation findings to Station Captain.
  • Any one of the above instances counts as one discussion, after two documented discussions with the Member and they still are not meeting requirements the Company Officer and Station Captain will have a final meeting with the individual, at the discretion of the Station Captain the Member will be terminated or given 60 days to meet standards.

Non-Probationary Member:

  • At the end of the first quarter numbers are distributed to each station, for any Member not meeting the drill/call requirements their company officer will speak to them one on one to discuss the need to meet the requirements and document the conversation.
  • At the end of the second quarter, numbers are distributed to each station, for any Member not meeting the drill/call requirements their company officer will speak to them one on one to discuss the need to meet the requirements and document the conversation, if the Member is 2 consecutive quarters of not meeting drill/call requirements the Deputy Chief will also contact the Member.
  • At the end of the third quarter, numbers are distributed to each station, for any Member that has already had two documented conversations, based on the discretion of the company officer working with the Station Captain of the reasons provided for not meeting standards the CO will document the conversation and either put them on 3 months’ probation* or recommend termination to the Chief.  If the Member has not already had two documented conversations the company officer will speak to them one on one to discuss the need to meet requirements and document the conversation.
  • *Members placed on a three-month probation must meet the policy for the next quarter, if they do not the Station Captain will recommend to the Chief to either terminate the Member or extend the probation for an additional three months.
  • At year end the Company Officer and Station Captain will review all activity numbers for their members taking in account calls, drills and other activities and recommend to the Chief whether a Member should be placed on probation or terminated for not meeting policy.


  • Officers not meeting the standard in 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 6.0 by December 31st of each year will be demoted to Firefighter.


Any Member recommended for termination or demotion may request their situation be heard by a review board.

The Fire Chief may convene an officer’s review board to hear arguments about the termination or demotion.  The board shall have four members as follows:

a. An Officer selected by the Member recommended for termination or demotion.

b. An Officer selected by the Chief.

c. An Officer selected by the first two board members.

d. The Deputy Fire Chief, shall chair the review board.

Both the Member recommended for termination/demotion and their Station Captain will provide the review board with the facts and reasoning for their wishes.

The Deputy Fire Chief shall submit a report in writing of the conclusions after all the facts are heard.  No one involved directly in the termination/demotion shall be appointed to the review board.

The Fire Chief shall review the report and determine the outcome of the situation to uphold the termination/demotion or develop a last chance agreement with the Member.

If the terminated/demoted Member feels the results are not acceptable the Member may submit a written request to the Board of Commissioners to review and respond to the termination/demotion.  The Board of Commissioners’ decision shall be final and binding.





Policy 2110 Member Activity Record



Year_____________                   Date__________



Member ________________________  Documented Conversation    1,    2,    Final



Probationary Member:


  During Recruit School not responding 25%


  One month after Recruit School completion not meeting 25% alarms, 70% drills


  Nine Months of probation following completion of Recruit School 25% and 70%



Non-Probationary Member:


  First quarter not meeting 25% alarms or 50% drills or training requirements


  Second quarter not meeting 25% alarms or 50% drills or training requirements


  Third quarter not meeting 25% alarms or 50% drills or training requirements


  Fourth quarter not meeting 25% alarms or 50% drills or training requirements





  December 31st not meeting 25% alarms, 50% drills, Duty requirements or training requirements



Recommendation:     Termination           3 Months’ Probation, Follow Up Date _______






Member Signature __________________  Officer Signature ______________________