The Training Division is under the direction of Deputy Chief to provide training and education for West Valley Fire Department personnel through needs assessment, course development and project implementation.
Captain Johnston
The Training Division is responsible for supporting the needs of all fire department personnel in accomplishing their goals along with providing all firefighters with their mandatory and non-mandatory training requirements. The Training Division is also the department safety division which oversees department safety issues as well as providing Incident Safety Officer’s on working fires and other type incidents.
Today’s Firefighters are more aptly called emergency and disaster responders. The required training is specialized and extensive. It begins with a Recruit Academy followed by a continuing education program that

lasts until retirement. In addition to fire suppression skills, firefighters need to be highly skilled and trained for response and mitigation at medical emergencies, vehicular accidents, rescue, hazardous materials, technical rescue, wildland and wildland/urban interface incidents.
Some of the training areas the division is responsible for are as follows, NFPA Firefighter I and II, NFPA Driver/Operator training, Wildland training, Fire Officer Development, Firefighter Safety and Survival Training, live fire training and ICS.
All new firefighters are required to successfully complete course work in basic firefighting and medical training. After Candidates complete the Recruit School, they receive verification of meeting these standards and become operational within the Department. The firefighters are then assigned to the Operations Division where they continue their training through advanced courses, on-going medical education through the Yakima County EMS Division, and internal departmental training.