Chief's Monthly Report
Topic: Department Monthly
Progress Report
By: Chief Nathan Craig
Date Prepared: January 6, 2025
The purpose of this report is to update the
Board of Fire Commissioners, Officers Management Team, and fire personnel on
recent department activities and progress on strategic objectives.
- The open office
assistant position has been filled and will start at part-time hours.
- A couple Members
on leave returned to duty January 1st.
- Current Staffing:
Total personnel stand at 90, with 79 on-call
members (62 operations, 13 support) and 4 on leave.
Budget/Finance Prepared by
Officer Boisselle
· The payroll overpayment issue has been
resolved. Reimbursed funds were either
deducted from their December paychecks or paid directly from the Member to the
Fire Prevention/Public Education Prepared by Officer Boisselle
Due to the
holidays. No public education activities were scheduled in December.
In December there were
a total of 102 alarms in District, 32 were ambulance only calls.
Incidents: YTD Incidents by Zone YTD Zone
Station 51
14 103 13 200
Station 52
12 183 24 308
Station 53
13 139 16 187
Station 54
1 44 6 68 (9%)
Station 50
30 (1 Duty) 364 763
0 9
Ambulance Only 32
(7 Lift) 175
Total 1017
Incident Type: Month Type YTD
Fire 3 3 bldg 114
EMS 76 60 EMS, 15 MVC, 1 AMA
Hazardous Condition 0 16
Service Call 10 Lift 65
Good Intent 11 10 cancel, 1 smoke 100
False Alarm 2 AFA 38
Action Taken: Month Type YTD
Canceled enroute 10 5 AFA, 1 False, 1 MVC, 3 EMS 90
Extinguishment 2 building 72
Provide BLS 66 524
Assist Invalid 10 57
Investigate 12 1 bldg, 3 AFA, 1 smoke, 6 MVC, 1 EMS 104
Other 2 traffic 13
Automatic Aid Received (both agencies respond) Automatic Aid Given
From Highland 0 To Highland 1
From Yakima 0 To Yakima 0
From Gleed 0 To BIA 0
YTD 14 YTD 26
Mutual Aid Received 0 Mutual Aid Given 2
YTD 3 YTD 28 (Yak, Dist 6)
No reportable losses in District last month.
Response Times: (Target= within 1 mile of station 8 minutes or less, add 2
minutes every mile after) Qualifying Alarms: 51mo, 605yr, Target met: mo. 36 (71%)
yr. 431 (71%), Target not met: mo. 15 (29%) yr. 174 (29%).
Prepared by DC Johnston
The next Recruit
Class will start on February 1st, the last testing process (December
14th) had five people test and interview, they are now on to the
medical physicals.
Training and Safety Prepared by DC Johnston
December Drills included: Recruit
Graduation, Equipment Check / Station Drill / Meet & Greet, and Pride &
Developed the January Drill Schedule:
Equipment Check / Station Drill, SCBA Confidence & SCBA Quarterly, Hose
Evolutions, and State of the Department
I self-studied at home for IFSAC Officer
II and tested on December 6th.
In 2024 I tested for and received the following IFSAC certifications:
HazMat Awareness, HazMat Operations, Firefighter I, Firefighter II, and Officer
I & II.
On December 20th I participated
in a Teams Meeting on a product made by OneTest which helps detect
Cancers. The process uses a
self-administered blood collection system that is done at home then shipped
back to their company where the blood is screened for proteins that are found
in cancers. The company has two
different tests, the Standard which looks for 5 cancer biomarkers ($199) and
the Premium which looks for 12 cancer biomarkers ($345).
Interlocal Coordination
- Yakima County
Fire Chiefs Association: In
December I was re-elected to serve another two-year term as the
Association President.
- WFC/WSRB:Following the
meetings between the WFC, WSRB, and OIC we have agreed to re-open the
rating schedule to modernize and update areas of the schedule the Chiefs
think are outdated. As the Chair of
the WFC committee I have put together a subgroup of chiefs from across the
state to work with WSRB on updating the schedule with a deadline of the
Chiefs conference in May to have a solid draft available for comment. Meetings start January 13th.
Logistics Updates
- Apparatus Updates:
- Battalion 50: Complete and in-service. I have reached out to Jeff Griffin to
see if he still wants to purchase the old Tahoe for his insurance company
to make available to subscribers.
- Tender 52: Scheduled to be picked up by General Fire by January
10th for refurbishment.
- Brush 51: The chassis arrived near the end of December, during
the review of specifications to refurbish current Brush 51 I determined
due to the small amount of equipment capable of being transferred after
going from diesel to gas it is more cost effective to outright replace
with a new apparatus and maintain the old B51 as reserve. Specifications have been written and
emailed out to three vendors and will be advertised in the January 12th
newspaper with bids due January 31st.
- Engine 54: Have looked at several options for replacement of
E-54, currently considering creating a basic specification with needed
parameters and allowing bidders to develop an engine based on our needs.
2025 Purchasing
Schedule: We have developed the purchasing schedule for the 2025
budget with January items already on order which include new gas meters, shop
tools and updating our Mission posters.
Strategic Plan –
- Action Plan: This quarter we will set up our mentor program for
new recruits, update our application to a fillable form, review
recruitment methods, monitor legislation effecting our taxing authority,
establish a program for group purchasing EMS supplies, develop a tracking
system for equipment, develop a quarterly newsletter and create and review
our annual operations report.
- Standards of Cover: I created a schedule of actions for
developing the plan by October, I then spoke with Jon Stouffer about
assisting/consulting with our plan, our timeline is appropriate. However,
after discussing what we are trying to accomplish Jon is suggesting we develop
an Operational Assessment that contains many of the elements of a
SOC. I have a proposal to review,
once we determine all the elements we are interested in we can determine
cost and determine if we can select a consultant of our choosing or if we must
go out to bid. Once we set a final
timeline, we will identify citizens and Members to assist with the
- Wellness: Last month as our Alli-Connect contract was
concluding I met with Alli-Connect to advise them we had discussed our use
of the program during budget creation and do not plan to renew the
contract, they understood and agreed there were several missed opportunities
and it didn’t work out as planned, they advised they have made significant
improvements and offered a discount to maintain our business. I then met with our Captains and our
Wellness Group to determine if they felt at a discounted price was worth
another shot, the answer was a resounding no. The Wellness Group and I met regarding
the future and have again created plans to improve our Department
including creating a “Wellness Manual”.
To get the group out to stations during drill we decided to move
the Support Services drills from the first and second week of each month
to the second and third, this will allow our wellness members to be in
stations during the first Wednesday drill which is usually equipment
check/station drill and offers plenty of time for them to meet with
Members without disrupting training.
- WA Trauma Grant: Submitted the required paperwork for the annual
trauma grant to purchase supplies, grant is $778.
- Community Wildfire Defense
Grant: This month we are meeting
with OEM, Districts 1 and 4 about the fuel reduction grant we worked on in
anticipation of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan being approved in
time for us to submit. The CWPP is approved,
and we are ready to move forward with our grant request.
- Local Community Project State
Request: Representative Chris Corry’s
assistant Gale Sackman sent me a copy of the 2025 request form for local
projects, I have contacted our electrician for an updated quote to install
generators at Stations 52 and 54, once I receive the update I plan to
submit for funding.
Community Engagement and Events
- Association Events:
- Dinner with Santa was a great
event for families, we are hoping to grow the event in the future.
Yakima Rotary:
o I have been invited as a guest speaker at their
January 23rd meeting on behalf of the Fire Chiefs Association. I
have chosen to discuss wildland urban interface, wildfire ready, fuel reduction
and the need for residential burn restrictions.
Ridge Access: With the neighborhood
now being recognized as a Firewise community there is some micro grants they
may be eligible for. I have reached out to their project coordinator to find
out where they are on the project and advise of the funding opportunity.
Good of
the Order
of the Department Drill: January
29th 19:00 we will hold our annual state of the department with all
Members, Commissioners are invited to attend.
WFCA/WSRB Legislative Day: Scheduled
for February 6th.