Building Donations Needed
WVF&R Wants Your Abandoned Building!

West Valley Fire and Rescue would like to use your abandoned or unwanted building for training. Many different types of training can be conducted both destructive and non-destructive by our firefighters. Non-destructive training includes things like search and rescue, ladders, firefighter rescue, and thermal imaging. Destructive training includes breaching walls, ventilating roofs, overhaul, water streams, and simulated fire suppression activities. Non-destructive training is best held in an abandoned buildings such as warehouses, apartment buildings, homes, and commercial buildings. Destructive training is best performed in structures that are no longer wanted by the owner. The criterion for destructive training is buildings or homes that are free of asbestos, have proof of ownership, and proof of NO insurance. Please contact the Training Division at 966-3111 for more information.