Policy 2201: Purchasing Policy
YAKIMA, WA 98908
POLICY # 2201
REFERENCE: RCW 52.14 / RCW 39.04.155 RCW 39.04.190 / RCW 39.04.270 / RCW 39.04.280
The purpose of this policy is to identify and control the authorization for public works projects, purchasing supplies, services or other expenditures. It shall be the policy of the Fire District to expend funds as efficiently as possible; to track and record such expenditures in the most effective and expedient manner; and to provide timely and accurate payment to all vendors.
For all purchases and services over $100 a District Purchase Order must be completed and turned into the District Secretary for payment processing. The Purchase Order must include the vendor name and contact information, items purchased (itemized), price per item, sales tax and total. The Fire Chief and Management Staff are authorized to approve Purchase Orders on behalf of the Fire District.
Purchase requests require approval by the Fire Chief prior to presenting to the Board of Fire Commissioners. The Fire Chief is authorized to make purchases not to exceed $5,000 without prior approval of the Board of Fire Commissioners. (Note: Facility, EMS or operating supplies, building utility costs, fuel costs or other regular operating costs and fees are NOT subject to the $5,000 purchase limits.) The Fire Chief may exceed this limit only to protect the interests of the Fire District.
Public works projects under $20,000 and expenditures for supplies and equipment that exceed $5,000 require documentation of a minimum of (2) two telephone quotes. The quote shall include vendor name and contact information, quoted items and price, including sales tax and shipping and handling charges. Quotes will be accepted by telephone, facsimile, email and mail. Quotes shall be attached to the purchase invoice for recordkeeping and are open for public inspection.
A. Small Works Roster
For projects estimated $20,000 to $300,000.
The District may, when necessary, choose to maintain a “Small Works Roster”. The District must at least once per year, publish in a newspaper of general circulation, a notice soliciting names of interested contractors. In the event that a Small Works Roster is utilized the District must obtain (5) five quotes from the appropriate contractors. Quotes will be accepted by telephone, facsimile, email and mail. If (5) contractors are not available on the Small Works Rosters, contractors can be individually contacted and added to the Small Works Roster before quoting said project. If more than (5) five contractors for one particular specialty are maintained on the Small Works Roster, all contracts must be notified according to RCW 39.04.155. All bid quotes will be recorded, and open for public inspection.
B. Competitive Bidding
For all projects over $300,000 or any public works project over $20,000 if a Small Works Roster is not in place.
The District must advertise in a newspaper of general circulation at least 13 days prior to the last date bids will be accepted. Bids will be opened and read in public, at a fixed time and place. Bids will be awarded at a Board of Fire Commissioners meeting and recorded in the minutes. All bids for public works projects should be accompanied by a bid bond or a 5% deposit (bond, cashiers check, certified check, no cash will be accepted).
C. Exceptions
The following are exceptions to the competitive bid requirements. Exceptions must be by Resolution and recite the factual basis for the exemption.
1. Purchases in the event of an emergency. The Fire Chief has the authority as designated by the Board of Fire Commissioners to declare an emergency for such public works projects.
A. Vendor List
For purchases of $10,000 - $50,000.
The District may, when necessary, choose to maintain a “Vendor List”. The District must at least twice per year, publish in a newspaper of general circulation, a notice soliciting names of interested vendors. In the event that a Vendor List is utilized the District must obtain (3) three quotes from the appropriate vendors. Quotes will be accepted by telephone, facsimile, email and mail. If (3) vendors are not available on the Vendor List, vendors can be individually contacted and added to the Vendor List before quoting said purchase. All bid quotes will be recorded, and open for public inspection.
B. Competitive Bidding
For all purchases over $50,000 or any purchase over $10,000 if a Vendor List is not in place.
The District must advertise in a newspaper of general circulation at least 13 days prior to the last date bids will be accepted. Bids will be opened and read in public, at a fixed time and place. Bids will be awarded at a Board of Fire Commissioners meeting and recorded in the minutes.
C. Exceptions
The following are exceptions to the competitive bid requirements. Exceptions must be by Resolution and recite the factual basis for the exemption.
1. Purchases that are clearly and legitimately limited to a single source of supply.
2. Purchases involving special facilities or market conditions.
3. Purchases in the event of an emergency. The Fire Chief has the authority as designated by the Board of Fire Commissioners to declare an emergency for such purchases.
4. Purchases of insurance bonds. AND
5. Purchase of electronic data processing and telecommunications systems.
D. Federal Grant Funding Purchases
For all purchases $25,000 or over Code of Federal Regulations Title 44: Emergency Management and Assistance will be followed. YCFD12 will use our own procurement procedures which reflect applicable State and local laws and regulations, in addition to checking each vendor for Federal suspension and debarment. This purchasing policy will serve as the checklist for expending federal grant funding.
The District shall insure all purchases meet or exceed Federal, State or local requirements. The District shall consider NFPA standards when purchasing equipment.
A. The District Secretary shall process all invoices (payment will be processed off invoices only) on a regular monthly cycle in conjunction with the Board of Fire Commissioner Meeting.
B. Processed invoices shall then be submitted to the Board of Fire Commissioners for approval at the Board of Fire Commissioner Meeting.
C. The District Secretary shall make available an annual spending matrix that coincides with the budget. The matrix will layout the major purchases slated for expenditure in any given month. The matrix shall be updated monthly.
D. The District Secretary shall notify the Board of Fire Commissioners at any time any one line item or fund total exceeds its approved amount.
E. A mid-year budget adjustment may be prepared by the District Secretary and submitted to the Board of Fire Commissioners before August of each year.
A. Per Resolution the Board of Fire Commissioners will establish an authorized amount in a Revolving Fund.
B. Per Resolution the District Secretary shall be the Custodian of the Revolving Fund, in consideration of segregation of duties the Fire Chief will oversee all duties and responsibilities of this fund. Revolving Fund shall be used primarily to make purchases from vendors with whom the Fire District does not have established credit accounts. Revolving Fund may also be used for one-time purchases of smaller amounts or for purchases that require immediate payment.
C. Replenishment of the Revolving Fund shall be made quarterly using some type of an itemized recordkeeping system. Replenishing the Revolving Fund shall be subject to the same review and approval process as Accounts Payable.
D. The Revolving Fund activity must be audited monthly by the Custodian, and verified by the Fire Chief.
A. The District Secretary shall, at the beginning of each month, generate a series of summary reports that reflect current monthly balances and purchase for each Fund line item as follows:
1. District Secretary shall submit to the Board of Fire Commissioners for approval a monthly Invoice Blanket Approval showing all processed invoices and fixed expenses.
2. District Secretary shall prepare a monthly Financial Report showing cash, investments and outstanding collections in each Fund.
3. District Secretary shall prepare monthly a line item year-to-date expense and revenue report for each Fund.