Policy 2108: Sick Leave

Policy 2108: Sick Leave



YAKIMA, WA  98908

POLICY #                                             2108     


EFFECTIVE DATE:                               1-97

REVISED:                                             5/13/08

REVISED:                                             3/12/13

                                                            12/12/17 Effective 1/1/18

POLICY TITLE:                                    SICK LEAVE

RESCINDS:                                          POLICY 2129 “FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT” EFFECTIVE 4-11-00   

REFERENCE:                                         RCW 49.12.270- .295

                                                            RCW 49.46.210, 49.46.200, 49.46.020

1.0     PURPOSE

The purpose of the Sick Leave Policy is to allow members to take time off work with pay in order to care for themselves and their family members due to serious health conditions.


Family Member: (a) A child, including a biological, adopted, or foster child, stepchild, or a child to whom the member stands in loco parentis, is a legal guardian, or is a de facto parent, regardless of age or dependency status;

(b) A biological, adoptive, de facto, or foster parent, stepparent, or legal guardian of a member or the members spouse or registered domestic partner, or a person who stood in loco parentis when the member was a minor child;

(c) A spouse;

(d) A registered domestic partner;

(e) A grandparent;

(f) A grandchild; or

(g) A sibling.


Accrued sick leave is available to members beginning on the ninetieth calendar day after the commencement of their employment.

3.1     ACCRUAL

3.1.1 Full time members earn one day of sick leave for the first month of employment, and one day for every continuous calendar month of service.  The day earned is based on the members regularly scheduled work day 8, 10, 12 or 24 hour day depending on the position and their regular schedule. 

3.1.2 Part time members earn one hour of sick leave for every 40 hours worked.

3.1.3 Sick leave is accumulated to a total of 480 working hours.  No sick leave will be accrued over 480 hours.  Upon separation of employment for whatever reason, other than termination caused by a disability, any unused sick leave will be forfeited and not paid out as separation pay.

4.0     USE

4.1 Sick leave may be taken for any of the following reasons:

(a) An absence resulting from a members mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; to accommodate the members need for medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of a mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; or a members need for preventive medical care;

(b) To allow the member to provide care for a family member with a mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; care of a family member who needs medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of a mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition; or care for a family member who needs preventive medical care; and

(c) When the members place of business has been closed by order of a public official for any health-related reason, or when a members child's school or place of care has been closed for such a reason.

(d) A member is authorized to use paid sick leave for absences that qualify for leave under the domestic violence leave act, chapter 49.76 RCW.

4.2     Emergency illness or death in the immediate of a family member requiring the attendance of the employee member.  Leave for such reasons shall be limited to five days in any one instance.

4.3     Sick leave cannot be used for members on annual leave or compensatory time, unless the member immediately informs the Chief of the illness.  Upon return to work the member must present a written doctor’s certification stating the nature, extent and length of the illness.

4.4     In the event a member’s sick leave is exhausted the Chief may grant leave without pay.  No credit for sick leave not earned will be granted.

          a. In the event a full time member has exhausted all sick leave due to an extended illness but has yet to meet the threshold for District long term disability, another full time member may gift their sick leave to the member until the threshold is met.  All sick leave gifting must be approved by the Board of Commissioners at the request of the Chief.

4.5     Paid on call members (volunteers) may use sick time for regularly scheduled events such as drills so long as the sick time is requested prior to the start of the scheduled event.


Any member, who for whatever reason, must take sick leave, shall, prior to their scheduled start time, notify their direct supervisor of their sick leave request.  The Chief may require certification of illness, at the time the employee returns from an illness or absence of three or more days.  Abuse of sick leave can result in immediate disciplinary action. 

5.1      Paid on call members (volunteers) using sick time will be reported on  the roster as “sick”, the member will receive sick pay however, in the case of a drill, will not receive drill credit and any required training missed must be made up.