Policy 2115 Alternative Duty
YAKIMA, WA 98908
POLICY # 2115
POLICY TITLE: Alternative Duty
REFERENCE: NFPA 1582, NFPA 1500, Policies 2108, 2114 & 2126
1.0 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide uniform standards for granting alternative duty assignments. In order to encourage and assist temporarily disabled members in returning to regular duty, the District will attempt to assign members to alternate duty positions that will permit the member to return to work under the circumstances consistent with the standards in this policy.
2.0 Definitions
2.1 Light Duty: A member that may participate in support functions outlined in Appendix A which is limited to maintenance at the station and rehab or staging at the scene.
2.2 Full Duty: A member that may participate in all essential job tasks for their position see functions outlined in Appendix B
2.3 Medical Leave: A member that is not released to light or full duty and is not to participate in District drills, training, alarms or functions.
2.4 Essential Job Task: Task or assigned duty that is critical to successful performance of the job.
2.5 Temporary Disability: Medical limitations that are temporary and there is a reasonable probability that the member will be able to perform his/her regular assignment at a future date.
2.6 Permanent Disability: A medical limitation considered by the District physician that has no probability in the member returning to duty. Accommodations for members who become permanently disabled will be considered pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and District policy 2108 and 2114 for full-time members.
2.7 Maternity/Paternity Leave: It is a member’s right to continue working when she is pregnant. When the member deems it appropriate, she should notify her supervisor after receiving confirmation of pregnancy. The member will be issued the medical release form in Appendix C. The member must review the form with her physician at her next office visit and have the physician check the appropriate duty level and sign the form. The completed form must be returned to the administration office as soon as practical following the visit. The pregnant member may continue to work her regular duty assignment until her pregnancy interferes with her essential job tasks or would have adverse consequences to the safety of herself, other members or to the public; request alternative duty; or take a leave of absence if so desired during the pregnancy. After the delivery of the baby the member will be placed on medical leave until released by a physician.
3.0 Policy
It is the policy of the District to require a medical release (Appendix C) be signed by the attending physician before a member is released from medical leave to either light or full duty or released from light duty to full duty.
3.1 Light Duty:
Light duty is an assignment of a member, who because of a temporary disability cannot perform the essential job duties of the position to which they are normally assigned, to an alternative position where the member can perform necessary and productive work. The duties of the alternative position shall not include all or a substantial number of the essential job duties of the position to which the member is regularly assigned. A member may request placement on light duty but assignment is at the sole discretion of the District, taking into account the availability of light duty work and other factors.
3.2 Medical Leave:
Whenever a member is unable to perform the essential job duties of their position or meet the light duty requirements due to illness or injury, the member shall devote their full attention to recovery and shall not engage in any District activities including drills, training, alarms or functions. To be placed on medical leave requires a physician’s note that the member is likely to recover sufficiently to perform the essential job duties of their position within the next 12 months.
3.3Full Duty:
Full duty is an assignment of a member, who meets all the essential job functions listed in Appendix B as well as the thirteen (13) essential job tasks listed in NFPA 1582 section 5.1.1.
4.0 Duration of Assignment
4.1 Light Duty:
A Member assigned to light duty may remain in the light duty position for an initial period not to exceed six (6) weeks. The Chief, in his sole discretion, may approve an assignment extending beyond six (6) weeks. In no event shall a light duty assignment exceed nine (9) months in duration. Further, the District reserves the right to terminate any light duty assignment for any reason upon ten (10) days’ notice.
4.2 Medical Leave:
Members on medical leave may remain on medical leave for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months. The Chief, in his sole discretion, may approve a medical leave be extended beyond the initial twelve (12) month period in increments of three (3) months, provided no medical leave exceeds eighteen (18) months in duration.
Please note: this policy is not intended to modify or enlarge the leave rights or benefits provided under the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 or Family Leave Act, RCW 49.12.265.
5.0 Disposition of Assignment
5.1 Light Duty:
a. Members assigned to light duty for a period of less than thirty (30) days will remain assigned to their current station and may attend drills and alarms in a support position and will be permitted to ride on apparatus for drills however must disembark the apparatus if it is dispatched to an alarm. The purpose of these members remaining at their assigned station is to keep them current on training, station information and operational policies so long as this does not jeopardize the member’s recovery from their temporary disability. Alarms and drills for their station will continue to be counted in their personal activity report.
b. Members assigned to light duty for a period of more than thirty (30) days will be reassigned from their current station to the rehab unit and will attend only drills and alarms for the rehab unit. Only alarms and drills for the rehab unit will be counted in their personal activity report.
c. A Member whose light duty assignment would exceed nine (9) months in duration will be permanently assigned to the rehab unit changing their role from Operations Firefighter to Support Firefighter.
d. After any light duty assignment that exceeds thirty (30) days the member shall complete the District re-entry training worksheet before engaging in operations.
5.2 Medical Leave:
a. Members on medical leave for any period of time are immediately inactivated and shall not participate in District drills, training, alarms or functions. Alarms and drills will not be counted in their personal activity report.
b. Members who do not qualify for, or who exhaust their approved medical leave shall be ineligible to remain members of the District. Such members shall retire, resign or if eligible take a leave of absence until such time as they can, at a minimum, meet the support firefighter functions. The District may remove such a member from the District if the member fails to take one of these actions.
c. After any medical leave that exceeds thirty (30) days the member shall complete the District re-entry training worksheet before engaging in operations.
6.0 Responsibilities
6.1 Chief
a. Shall approve or disapprove all alternative duty assignments and extensions thereof
b. Maintain a record of members on alternative duty
c. Monitor alternative duty assignments, with Captains, to determine whether extensions of alternative duty assignments should be approved
6.2 Captains
a. Shall make efforts to identify light duty projects for members assigned light duty for less than thirty (30) days.
b. Ensure all members understand the District alternative duty policy.
c. Monitor the member’s performance to ensure duties are properly performed and within the scope of the medical restrictions that might be applicable
6.3 Members
a. Know and understand their alternate duty assignment
b. Maintain communication with his/her supervisor
c. Be responsible for obtaining physician signature on medical release form
d. Be responsible for requesting approval for extension of alternative duty if necessary
e. Not perform any activity outside of their medical release.
Appendix A
Light Duty Functions for Firefighters
These are functions that a firefighter on LIGHT DUTY must be able to participate in.
Support functions at the Fire Station:
Work Function: Washing & loading fire hose, cleaning & returning equipment into service, filling SCBA air bottles, disinfecting & decontaminating equipment. Lifting of 25 pounds or less.
Expected Physical
Work Effort: Medium to Light
Work Duration: Indeterminate
Environment: Protected
Protective Clothing: Coveralls, work shoes, jeans, gloves
Weight: 10 Pounds
Hearing Protection: None
Support functions at the Emergency Scene:
Work Function: Rehab and / or staging. Lifting of up to 25 pounds.
Expected Physical
Work Effort: Medium to Light
Environment: Routine Weather Issues (Hot / Cold)
Work Duration: Unlimited
Protective Clothing: Coveralls, structural PPE (helmet, hood, ear flaps, coat, gloves, pants, rubber boots) or wildland PPE (helmet, hood, goggles, nomex pants, long sleeve nomex shirt, gloves, leather boots)
Weight: Coveralls: 10 Pounds
Weight: Structural PPE: 20-25 Pounds
Weight: Wildland PPE: 10-15 Pounds
Hearing Protection: Sound levels less than 85 dba (24hr TWA)
Respirator Use: Not worn in Rehab and / or Staging function
Appendix B
Work Description for Firefighters
These are functions that a firefighter released to FULL DUTY must be able to participate in.
Structural Firefighting:
Work Function: Interior / Exterior Structural Firefighting. These duties may include an occasional demand for extraordinary strenuous activities in emergencies under adverse conditions. Requirements include walking, climbing, bending, twisting, crawling, pushing, pulling / dragging hose and lifting more than 50 pounds, in a team environment lifting 75-150 pounds; the pace of work typically is set by the emergency situation.
Expected Physical
Work Effort: Heavy
Respirator Use: Typical 30 minutes duration with face piece regulator.
Based on air supply in SCBA air bottle; average 20 minutes work periods before rest using respirator, may extend to time allowed by two (2) SCBA air supply bottles (approximately 40 minutes). Work period may extend to four (4) or more hours beyond that which requires respiratory protection.
Weight: 22-25 Pounds
Environment &
Work Durations: Routine Temperatures 68˚-140˚ F
*Unlimited work duration
Ordinary Temperatures 140˚-572˚ F
**20-30 minutes work duration
Emergency Temperatures 572˚-1832˚ F
***30 seconds – 4 minutes work duration
Protective Clothing: Full Structural PPE (helmet, hood, ear flaps, coat, gloves, pants, rubber boots)
Weight: 20-25 Pounds
Hearing Protection: Sound levels less than 85 dba (24hr TWA)
* Routine temperatures describes conditions where one or two objects such as
a box or waste basket are burning in a room.
** Ordinary temperatures describes those encountered in fighting a serious fire
or being next to a “flashover” room.
***Emergency temperatures describes conditions in a severe and unusual
exposure, such as those caused inside a “flashover” room or next to a fire
front. In such conditions firefighting protective clothing and equipment
provides only 15-30 seconds of protection to escape.
Wildland Firefighting:
Work Function: Wildland Firefighting
Expected Physical
Work Effort: Arduous. Duties involve field work requiring physical work performance calling for above-average endurance and superior conditioning. These duties may include an occasional demand for extraordinary strenuous activities in emergencies under adverse environmental conditions and over extended periods of time. Requirement include running, walking, climbing, jumping, twisting, bending and lifting more than 50 pounds; the pace of work typically is set by the emergency situation. (Requires a max V02 of 45).
Environment: Routine Temperatures 68˚-140˚ F
*Unlimited work duration
Ordinary Temperatures 140˚-572˚ F
**10-12 hours work duration
Emergency Temperatures 572˚-XXX˚ F
***Less than 1 hour work duration
Work Duration: Work periods on the fire line may be up to 12 hours.
Protective Clothing: Full Wildland PPE (helmet, hood, goggles, long sleeve nomex shirt, gloves, nomex pants, leather boots, fire shelter) accessories (water containers, radio, fusee pack, day pack w/ supplies)
Weight: Wildland PPE: 10-15 Pounds
Weight: Accessories: 18-28 Pounds
Hearing Protection: Sound levels less than 85 dba (24hr TWA)
EMS Worker (First Aid / First Responder / EMT):
Work Function: Rendering emergency medical care, lifting patient to backboard and / or stretcher, gathering patient information.
Expected Physical
Work Effort: Medium to heavy. Lifting and carrying patients in conjunction with at least one other employee; weight of up to 300 pounds, carrying equipment with weights up to 30 pounds. Traversing a variety of surfaces and elevations.
Work Duration: Typically less than 15-20 minute intervals may be repeated multiple times over a 24 hour period.
Environment: Below 0˚ to 110˚ F. Indoors & outdoors. Tight Spaces.
Protective Clothing: Coveralls, tyvek suit, surgical gloves, eye protection
Weight: Coveralls 10 Pounds
Respiratory: HEPA, Type N-95 / N-100 mask
Hearing Protection: None
Appendix C
West Valley Fire-Rescue
Yakima County Fire District 12 ![]() |
Patient: ___________________________________________________________
Please check ONE:
□ Patient is released for FULL DUTY – please refer to the attached “Work Description for Firefighters”
(2 pages).
□ Patient is released for LIGHT DUTY – Please refer to the attached “Light Duty Functions for Firefighters” (1 page).
□ Patient is NOT released and cannot participate with the Fire District at this time.
I have read the attached materials and checked the appropriate box to release the above patient to perform the duties as indicated.
Physicians Signature: _________________________ Date: ______________