Policy 2405 Command Vehicle Use

Policy 2405 Command Vehicle Use



YAKIMA, WA  98908

 POLICY #                                   2405


 EFFECTIVE DATE:                     01/01/08      

REVISED:                                   09/11/12



 POLICY TITLE:                          COMMAND VEHICLE USE

  1.0     PURPOSE

It is the purpose of Yakima County Fire District 12 to establish guidelines for the use of District Command vehicles that are assigned to members or used as the duty vehicle.  These guidelines are intended to enhance service delivery to the citizens of the Fire District, define the circumstances and assignments.  Staff vehicles are required for off duty response to fill command roles on larger incidents with multiple apparatus.  District vehicles are equipped to function as command and control centers at ICP.  All members operating a District vehicle shall abide by all rules and regulations of the State of Washington and local jurisdictions that apply to the operation of motor vehicles.

 The Fire Chief has the overall responsibility for the enforcement of this policy with each member.


2.1    Members operating Department vehicles shall at all times have a valid Washington State Driver’s License.  Members entitled to drive a Department vehicle shall present a photocopy of their driver’s license upon request.

 2.2    Any member whose driver’s license is expired, suspended or revoked in the State of Washington or any other state must immediately cease operating Department vehicles and may be subject to disciplinary and/or employment action.  Members shall report such a revocation, expiration or suspension of license to the Fire Chief immediately.  A member with a revoked, expired or suspended license who fails to immediately report this fact to the Fire Chief and/or who continues to operate a Department vehicle may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

 2.3    All members shall immediately report to the Fire Chief any traffic infraction, citation, and/or criminal traffic infraction or complaint they receive as a result of their on-the-job activities involving operation of a Department vehicle.

 2.4   Failure to be legally authorized to operate a Department vehicle may impair a member’s ability to satisfactorily perform his/her job.  Such conditions are subject to the review of the Fire Chief and Fire District Board of Commissioners and may result in corrective actions, up to and including termination.

 2.5    All members who are required to operate vehicles as part of their job description are required, as a condition of employment and at the Districts request, to obtain a current motor vehicle driving record abstract from the Washington State Department of Licensing.  Upon hiring, the initial driving record abstract will be done at the Districts expense; all other requests for abstract may be at the expense of the member. Failure to obtain a current driving record abstract may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.   The District may at any time pull driver extracts for insurance auditing purposes.


3.1    Member assigned District vehicles while on stand-by/duty status may use such vehicles for incidental personal trips and business when necessary to maintain a state of readiness to enable such member to provide emergency responses 24/7.

 3.2    Passengers.  When responding to emergencies in code 3 mode, vehicles shall be occupied by District members only.   When District vehicles are responding in non-emergency mode, code 1 or 2, the vehicle may be used to carry non- District members as passengers when incidental to the trip, or when required by the needs of the driver when on stand-by status.

 3.2.1   Code 1 Response: Normal driving habits, abide all traffic laws and regulations. (Signals, speed limit, stopping at signs, lights, construction sites, etc).  Emergency lighting or sirens are NOT used en-route to the emergency scene.  Can deviate from dispatch location, and is available for re-assignment.

 3.2.2   Code 2 Response:  Normal driving habits, abide all traffic laws and regulations. (Signals, speed limit, stopping at signs, lights, construction sites, etc).  Emergency lighting or sirens are NOT used en-route to the emergency scene.  Apparatus are not to deviate from the dispatched location; and is committed to the incident.

 3.2.3   Code 3 Response:  Emergency lighting and sirens ARE used en-route to the emergency scene; due to the nature of a true emergency time is of the essence. Apparatus are not to deviate from the dispatched location; and is committed to the incident.

 3.3    Travel outside of District.  District vehicles may be used for travel outside of the District response area only when authorized by the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, or Duty Chief for official business or commuting to and from a residence.  No travel for personal reasons may be conducted outside the District.

 3.4    District vehicles may be used for travel to meals, banking, and appointments if a member is on official business; or when a member is assigned to work in the field or be available for emergency response during the designated time period.

 3.5    24/7 District vehicles are assigned to the Chief, Deputy Chief, Training Officer, Public Information Officer, Duty Chief and Duty Officer for use commuting.   They may be assigned to firefighters, officers and other career staff as needed for after hour’s response.


          4.1    The member is in a position where he/she may respond to emergencies; i.e. fulltime member with 24/7 call out responsibilities.

           4.2    The member is placed on call and is the person who would respond in an emergency situation, i.e. District Duty Officer.

           4.3    Special situations related to job duties that require the member to take the vehicle home as determined by the Chief, i.e. Training Classes, Public Education or Prevention details.


          5.1    Individuals assigned the use of a District vehicle are responsible for the care, appropriate use, and the public image reflected by the use of that vehicle.  Careless driving, following too closely, failure to signal, failure to yield, braking suddenly and expressing anger to another motorist are examples of behavior that reflects poorly and negatively on the District.  Members should remember that they are always under the close scrutiny by the public when operating a District vehicle

          5.1.1.     The District Duty Officer is required to perform an equipment inspection form prior to the start of a duty shift. 

          5.2    Any mechanical or functional problem occurring with a vehicle must be reported to the Fire Chief for repair or service.  

 5.3    Any accident with a District vehicle, even those accidents without damage, must be reported immediately to the District Duty Chief.  A District Injury / Exposure / Accident form must be filled out completely and returned to the Administration Office.        

           5.4    District vehicles are issued under the express authority of the Chief or Deputy Chief.  Once issued, the recipient is responsible for the condition and contents of the vehicle.  No secondary lending or issuing is allowed.