Policy 2402: Wildland Firefighter Boots

Policy 2402: Wildland Firefighter Boots



YAKIMA, WA  98908

POLICY #                                                2402

COMMISSION CHAIR SIGNATURE      s/b  Jim Borst, Chair         

EFFECTIVE DATE:                     04/01/05

REVISED:                                   02/10/09



REFERENCE:                             WAC 296-305-07012     NFPA: 1977

1.0     PURPOSE

To provide an 8” lace up, leather boot with a lug sole, to those firefighters involved in wildland fire suppression.

2.0     The District realizes the importance of good foot wear during a wildland fire suppression activity.  Structural firefighting boots are adequate for a short period of time, on extended wildland fires the firefighter may be on their feet for several hours on rough terrain.  For safety and comfort a good 8” leather boot is required.

3.0     The District will provide a one time stipend of $230 for the purchase of an 8” leather boot.  All costs over the $230 stipend will be the responsibility of the firefighter.

4.0     All firefighters trained to the wildland Firefighter II level, or the equivalent of the NWCG firefighter, or the discretion of the Fire Chief are eligible.  All firefighters requesting a boot stipend must be in good standing with the District, including training and incident response standards.

5.0     It is understood that the boot will be required on all wildland firefighting activities.  If the boots are damaged during a wildland event the District will pay the repair costs which exceed normal wear and tear.  If the boots are destroyed during such an event, the District will provide a second stipend.

6.0     The Fire Chief will monitor the program for compliance.  Any firefighter abusing or taking advantage of this policy for personal gain will be reprimanded and / or dismissed from the Department.

7.0     The firefighter is to obtain a boot purchase order form from the Fire Chief or designee prior to the purchase of the boots.  The signed purchase order along with the original receipt is to be given to the Department Secretary for processing of payment at the next regular scheduled Commissioner meeting.

8.0     In the event a firefighter leaves or is dismissed from the Department within the first year of the agreement, the firefighter will be required to refund 100% of the stipend or the boots if still in serviceable condition.

9.0     Based on years of use and the number of wildland incidents a member has worked at the discretion of the Fire Chief the District may elect to rebuild or replace a pair of boots that were previously purchased for a member, if the boots don’t meet the replacement standards of 5.0.